12medium carrots or 1 ½ lbs baby carrots - enough to fill a ½ gallon mason jar
3tablespoonkefirwhey or fermented food starter
1tablespoonsea salt
2teaspoonsdill weed
water to fill jar within ½ inch of the topI
Wash, peel and cut carrots into sticks - pack into a ½ gallon jars. I have started using baby carrots for ease and a 2lb bag fills a ½ gallon and 1 quart jar.
Mix the remaining ingredients and pour over the carrots.
Put the lid securely on the jar and leave on the counter at room temperature for 3 - 7 days.You will begin to see bubbles rising and the dill circulating and know that they are fermenting - when the bubbles stop, you know the carrots are ready!
Refrigerate after fermentation.
You may increase the dill (weed or seed) and the garlic if you desire a stronger taste.This recipe can be easily cut in half and made in a quart jar