Natural Remedies for Dog UTI will give you natural remedies to help your dog overcome a urinary tract infection also known as a UTI and sometimes a bladder infection.
Having pets is like having children and that means you have to be prepared to care for their health issues, just like you would for your kids.
Whether it is something simple, like an upset stomach or sore paws, to something a little more serious such as a urinary tract infection, you’ll want to be prepared to treat and care for your pet in the best way possible.
Having natural remedies on hand for multiple purposes is a good idea in any home, but especially a home with kids or pets. Here are some tips and natural remedies for a dog UTI that may be helpful to have on hand.
Symptoms of and Natural Remedies for a Dog UTI
There are a lot of things that can cause a urinary tract problem in dogs, but the most common is a bacterial infection.
This is also the most common in female dogs, over 7 years old, and dogs with diabetic issues, according to Pets Web MD.
Symptoms of a Urinary Tract Infection in Your Pet
It can be hard to tell if your dog is experiencing urinary tract problems at least in the beginning. As with any natural remedy, if in doubt, see the doctor and seek medical advice.
The following are common signs of urinary tract infections or problems in dogs.
- Loss of bladder control
- Increased amount or frequency of urination
- Straining or whining during urination
- Constant licking of the urinary opening
- Lethargic behavior
- Increased water consumption
- Changes in appetite
More serious signs include:
- Vomiting
- Severe pain
- Blood or Discoloration of urine
- Inability to urinate
Urinary tract problems can become severe issues. So, you will want to monitor your pet closely. Be sure that if the signs persist, worsen or are serious and/or severe, you take your dog to a veterinary professional.
Can I Give My Dog Cranberry Juice For A Urinary Tract Infection?
As with humans, cranberry juice can be a natural cleaners of toxins for dogs.
However, it should be given in the form of a healthy treat, added to their food. Or, if given in juice form, it should be 100% juice, not from concentrate and, safe for human consumption.
Can A Dog UTI Cure Itself?
A dog UTI can usually resolve with natural remedies or treatment, without leaving lasting damage. But they should always be addressed.
In some cases, urinary problems may be something more serious, like poisoning or even cancer. So, if in doubt or if it does not clear up in a reasonable manner of time, see your vet.
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Natural Remedies for Dog UTI - What Can You Do For A Dog With A UTI?
It is a good idea to check with your dogs’ vet before administering any natural or home remedies.
I have found the most effective natural remedies to be the ones we use for our family and children. See Get Rid of Bladder Infections Naturally.
Here are some natural remedies for a dog UTI (urinary tract infection), that you can try at home, if the symptoms are milder and controlled:
- Add 2 tablespoons of chopped blueberries or cranberries to your dog’s food, twice daily, for 7-10 days.
- Apple Cider Vinegar - Add 1 teaspoon (for small dogs) or 1-2 tablespoons (for big dogs) of Apple Cider Vinegar to your dog’s water bowl. Repeat this once or twice daily, for 7 - 10 days, depending on the severity of the UTI. Also, make sure that there is a fresh bowl of water available for your dog to refresh themselves with afterward.
- Comfort Measures and to Promote Health - Have your dog soak in a hot bath for about 10 minutes. Make sure that the bath is not too hot and that the level is not too high. You want your dog to be able to relax its muscles and not be stressed. Gently wash your dogs’ genital area with a mild soap. Be sure not to leave the soap on too long, and make sure it is completely rinsed off.
- Encourage your dog to stay hydrated. Place clean and fresh water bowls in different, accessible, places in your home.
- Crush one 500 MG tablet of Vitamin C and sprinkle it over your dog's food. Do this once per day, for 7 days.
If the UTI worsens, or doesn’t seem to get better by using these natural remedies, call and make an appointment for your dog to be seen by the vet.
There could be a need for antibiotics or, there may be another, underlying issue.
Preventing Urinary Tract Infections
Just as with humans, prevenient urinary tract infections is often the most important step in natural remedies.
Now that we have gone over some natural home remedies for a dog UTI, let’s look at some of the ways that we can try to prevent urinary tract issues in the first place.
- Always make sure that your dog stays hydrated. It is very important to keep a source a fresh, clean water available for your pooch at all times. There are a lot of self-watering bowls available on Amazon.
- Keep your dog clean and well groomed. Especially around their genital area. Make sure that you are using a mild, natural dog shampoo or soap.
- Encourage your dog to take frequent potty breaks and try to let them out whenever you can. The longer they hold in the urine, the bigger chance they have of a bacterial infection setting in.
- You can also improve the health of your dog by adding a probiotic to their food, or by offering them some fresh yogurt or kefir as a treat.
Hopefully, with these tips and natural remedies for dog UTI, you can help prevent and treat one, if the need arises.
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