I am so excited to share the Easiest Carrot Juice Recipe Ever! Sometimes I am late jumping on the bandwagon, and this is one of those times - with carrot juice recipes. This is delicious and also has variations like Carrot Juice and Ginger, Carrot and Orange Juice - the sky is the limit. Did you know that you can even make carrot juice in the blender?

Health benefits
Carrots are good to eat and good for you. They contain 3 important nutrients: beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Carrots are great for eye health and more.
They are:
- Beneficial for eye health.
- May help reduce oxidative stress, lower cholesterol, and boost bile production. (source)
- Can help with weight loss.
- Plus more...
Be sure to check out the 8 Heath Benefits of Carrots for more reasons to include this bright veggie in your menu planning.
While you can make this juice recipe with either a juicer or blender, watch the video to see just how easy it is to make using a juicer. Then I will give the blender instructions!
Using a blender
Raw carrot juice can be made in a juicer or even with a blender. I have a Breville Juicer now and I'll share my review of 2 different models in a minute.
But, if you don't have a juicer, never fear, as long as you have a blender, you can enjoy the taste and nutritional punch that fresh veggie juice gives.
The amount of carrots used depends on the amount of juice you want. For 1 medium sized glass of carrot juice, start with 3 - 4 carrots.
- Wash carrots and cut into chunky pieces.
- Place carrot in the blender.
- Fill blender with water to about ½ way up level of the carrots.
- Blend until well blended.
- Place a nut milk bag or cheesecloth bag in chosen glass or container to catch the juice. Or, line a mesh strainer with cheesecloth and place over glass. I find that the cheesecloth helps catch the fine particles of pulp.
- Pour blender contents into the bag and squeeze as much of the juice as possible into glass.
- Enjoy.
Be sure to save the pulp (it can be frozen) for use in other recipes like Carrot Muffins with Raisins and Nuts.
But, one important aspect of juicing, like eating, is to make sure you have variety! You should experiment with all kinds of smoothies and juices. Play with the ratios and see what you like.
Here are a few of my favorite variations for the basic Carrot Juice recipe - remember, the sky is the limit and these suggestions are meant to get your creative juices flowing!
Be sure to check out the recipes in the links for the specific proportions of veggies, fruits and other ingredients.
However, the process is the same for all: I wash all vegetable and cut if necessary to fit into juicer. If using a blender, add water to half the level of the vegetables unless otherwise noted, blend and strain.
1. Carrot Juice Recipe for Weight Loss
Who says losing weight has to taste bad? With my Carrot Juice Recipe for Weight Loss you will be surprised at just how delicious the combination of carrots, cabbage, cucumber and ginger can be!
2. Carrot Juice with Orange Juice Recipe
Made with carrot juice along with oranges and a surprise of mint, Cold Pressed Carrot Juice Recipe is a refreshing treat!
3. Carrot Juice with Pineapple and Mango
Made with carrot juice along with pineapple and other tropical fruits, Fruit Punch Carrot Juice is delicious!
If using a blender for this, be sure to use ¼ - ½ c. pineapple juice. Use the juice from the canned pineapple if not using fresh. If using fresh pineapple, add water instead.
4. Green Carrot Juice Recipe
Green Carrot Juice Recipe adds the powerful nutritional punch of kale to carrots, apples and celery.
5. Immune Boosting Carrot Juice - Carrot with Ginger
With a hint of ginger, Carrot Superfood Juicing Recipe has other immune building and stimulating ingredients (like oranges, ginger and turmeric) that everyone will enjoy!
Breville Juicer Review
I really enjoy carrot juice but to take the time to do it is another story. It is not so much the juicing but, the clean-up afterwards. You know, the juicer itself - it can really be a pain to get clean!
Then again, there are some juicers that leave quite a bit of juice in the pulp. Cheap, frugal or whatever you want to call it, when I see the pulp still wet with juice, I think I need to run the pulp through a second time - talk about a mess!
Imagine trying to fill the feed spout with pulp that has already gone through the juicer - take my word for it, it is messy! Well, that has all changed - thanks to my new juicer!
My new Breville juicer that I am absolutely in love with is the Breville Juice Fountain Duo (available from my affiliate partner).
Now, not only do I now juice vegetables as part of our dinner (Carrot Juice is now a staple!), but we use it to juice grapes for the pH and Brix testing. This testing is one way that we test the grapes to see how ripe they are. Does that make it a tax write-off?
It all started when the children and I were visiting my mom and sister in Macon, Georgia. They had a juicer and I used it - carrot juice, kale and green veggie juice...
To further fuel the flame, I was treated to several fresh vegetable juices at a local juice bar - they were delicious!
So, I brought a Breville juicer home with me, in addition to a new dog!
Breville - 2 Models
I started out with the Breville Juice Fountain Plus, but after a few uses, felt that it would not hold up to the wear and tear of a large family.
Don't get me wrong, it was a great machine, but it had a lot of plastic that I was afraid would break. So, I traded up and bought the Juice Fountain Duo and have not been disappointed.
Other Differences between the two Breville Juicers:
- The Juice Fountain Duo has a whopping 1200 watts of power compared to the Juice Fountain Plus at 850 watts.
- The Juice Fountain Duo also has a second disc for fruits that makes them into a smoothie and the top has more stainless steel making it more durable.
A video that ingrained the health benefits of juicing for me was Fat Sick and Nearly Dead (affiliate link) by Joe Cross.
If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. Joe was overweight and at 41 years old was on medicines for various illnesses including an autoimmune disease. Joe documents his 60 day fast (under a doctor's supervision) from beginning to end. And I bet you have guessed it - during the juice fast, he lost weight and was able to discontinue his medicines! It was such an inspiring journey to watch.
My husband John, and I had just been talking about our diet and the one improvement we thought that could be made was to include even more vegetables. We tried adding them to meals, and even cooking them in new ways.
But it was hard to make any habits stick. We wanted our kids to like vegetables, but more than anything we wanted them to stick to a routine that would sustain their health.
Enter carrot juice, other juice recipes and juicing in general!
At first, the children were a bit skeptical - after all. drinking your veggies is a bit weird, but one taste and they were hooked! We can drink 5 lbs of carrots with other fruits and vegetables added, in one sitting! Could we eat that much? Probably. But would we? Probably not!
I was so inspired by the Fat Sick and Nearly Dead video that I decided to go on a 10-day juice fast.
At this point, I have to admit, it was pure vanity! I was hoping to get rid of some dimples that have appeared as the result of menopause. :( Just for my own comfort and satisfaction! But whether or not it helped my dimples, I was resolved to do it.
I felt confident that with my clean eating after coming off the GAPS diet that I would not have a lot of die-off symptoms - and I didn't. The main complaint during the 10-day juice fast was a lack of energy. I was at a good weight before beginning the juice fast and did not have excess pounds to lose, so when I began to lose weight, I felt it - fatigue was my main complaint.
Also, keep in mind that this is not going to be a quick fix. I know a lot of people claim that juicing helps people lose weight quickly. For some people, that's absolutely the case.
But not so for everyone! If you're juicing to lose weight, start by integrating it into your diet gradually. And of course, talk to your doctor before embarking on a major weight loss journey.
📋 Recipe
Easiest Carrot Juice Recipe Ever
- 5 pounds carrots
- 3- 4 stalks celery
- ½ lemon
- 4 apples - gala or granny smith
- ginger - a quarter size piece
Wash all vegetables.
Cut if necessary to fit through the juicer.
Peel ginger piece.
Feed all vegetables through juicer.
Pour into glasses and enjoy!
- If you are not a celery eater - start with 3 stalks and work up - do the same with the ginger - start with a small piece and work up.
- I don't even peel the lemon or apples!
What is your favorite juice recipe? Do you like juicing fruits, vegetables, or both?
Leave a comment - I would love to know!
Gay says
How wet is the pulp coming out of this one? I have been thinking about getting a different juicer and the Breville is one I've heard many good things about. Currently I have a Norwalk which makes superior juice that can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and the pulp is as dry as sawdust but it is not the easiest juicer to use. I have had juice squirt up to my 12 foot ceiling! They also recommend you peel the carrots and other veggies before using, especially if you are going to refrigerate it for a few days, to lessen the bacterial load to deter fermentation. That's a lot of work! It's gotten to the point I dread juicing and rarely do it. I've come to the conclusion the best juicer is one that you use often! My biggest issue will be convincing my husband to get another juicer after the huge investment in the Norwalk.
Dina-Marie says
Oh my, Gay - that sounds like an ordeal! The pulp coming out is dry, probably not like sawdust but just to make sure, I did run it through once more (when I first got the Breville) and barely any more juice came out - yeah! I agree, the best juicer is the one you are going to use and I really like this one! I have been in the same place with another brand, dreading juicing so I end up not doing it. But, no joke, I can be done from start to finish (all cleaned up) in about 20 minutes! I am doing larger quantities too - 5 lbs carrots etc. You won't be disappointed with a Breville!
Elise says
Great post and beautiful pictures!!
linda spiker says
beautiful recipe!
Jessica says
I'm a smoothie girl my self, but when I see pretty glasses of juices I want to get a juicer!
Dina-Marie says
Jessica, I know what you mean - I love smoothies too but this new juicer is fantastic!
Gail says
Juicing; and drinking smoothies are two different animals but are both healthful. Jay Kordich and Victoria Boutenko go into depth as to all the differences and why juicing is the healthier choice - if health, particularly if HEALING from a condition is the object.
If you have a high-speed blender already that you are using for your smoothies, then you already have a juicer! Just get some 'nut-milk' bags (Amazon or your health food store) and strain your blended drinks through it and into a bowl.
I've been juicing since the '90's (though not as often as I should these days), and have owned probably six different juicers and liked them all for all different reasons, but sometimes I just want the simplicity of using my Vita-Mix and straining rather than bringing out the juicer and having the clean up.
"The juicer you USE is the best juicer of all" is what I always tell people asking about 'which' juicer they should own. For the average person (not someone who has cancer or some other dire, urgent medical condition), I always recommend starting out on the lower end cost-wise - the Jack; the Brevilles, etc. After that, you can learn about what matters to you most and if it warrants any changes or 'upgrades'. At one point, I had 4 juicers, and often times, would end up choosing the Jack out of convenience and speed - was always glad to have it as the 'go-to' one. The same is true for the Brevilles.
Dina-Marie says
Thanks, Gail, you made some good points! I do enjoy our Breville and it is easy to clean. The best juicer is the one you will use ;)
XmasDolly says
Hi! Recipe? I have a recipe linky on Fridays and sure would love for you to share your healthy recipe with my readers too! Hope to see you there. Have a great day!
natalie yakel says
How long can I save uncooked, raw, carrot juice in refrigerator?
Dina-Marie says
Natalie, I think it will keep for 24 - 48 hrs. We normally drink ours fresh but I have kept it for 24 hrs. Hope this helps!
Adam says
I love carrot juice and this has to be one of my favourtie recipes
Dina-Marie says
Adam, I'm so glad!
Emily Kemp says
This juicer sounds amazing, totally want one! I've never made carrot juice before, sounds delish!
Dina-Marie says
Emily, I was surprised just how easy it is to use and to clean! It's a great way to get your veggies ;)
Margaretha says
Love carrot, beetroot and celery together.
Celery enhances the flavour, like salt does.